Showering Tips For Healthy Hair- Must Know Benefits


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Shower Tips for Hair

What you are doing as a change when you see your damaged hair? Just blaming the shampoo and oil is not the solution. You need to check and change the ways you are treating your hair. The damage of the hair is not seen at the starting stages. The damage is identifiable when you have a keen interest or care for your hair.

Every caring way of treating your is making it healthy and the harsh treatment is making is resulting in hair damage. So, you have many tips to follow for healthy hair. The way you wash your hair can give you the crucial results.

Do you love your hair for its texture and volume? If yes, that is great! Then if it is not, definitely you are missing some of the caring tips during hair wash. It is not extra care but the basic care for your hair but in a smooth and efficient way. See if you are following these showering tips for your hair.

Showering Tips for Healthy Hair

You can only aim for gorgeous hair when you treat it in a good way. Do not give up your hair when it is damaging. Handle with care and keep it well maintain with the below amazing tip of showering to gain healthy and gorgeous hair.

Pre Shower Tips for Hair:


1. Steam Your hair

You must steam your hair to clean the clogged pore and dirt that settled inside. The heat that you give to your hair removes the dirt and detoxes your scalp. When you are asked to steam, do not head to the salon. You can have good hair steam at home which is equally efficient like in the salon. With hair steaming, your scalp also can be cleaned. Cleaning the scalp is the most important for your hair to stay healthy.

2. Hot Oil Massage

Before you take a shower, massage your hair with hot oil. With this, your head bath will become efficient. When you are massaging you are not letting the blood circulate but loosening the dirt to come out easily. The dead and weak hair comes off while massaging your hair. The hair bunch that you collect after massaging is all weak and dead hair. You must let the dead hair go off. So that follicles get a chance to regrow the new hair.

3. Comb Off your hair

You must comb your hair to remove the tangles or knotted hair. If you are skipping this step, your hair damages even more. When you are directly showering your hair, there are chances of pulling the tangled and knotted hair. Even the strong hair becomes weak when you directly wash your hair without combing it in advance.

So, comb your hair just before having the shower.

Showering Tips While Shampooing:


1. Do not use hot water

Agree that hot water cures many problems for in your body. But coming to hair, it is a big no.

You must not use hot water for showering. which damages your hair deeply. Hot water removes the natural oils on your head which is important for healthy hair. Also leaves the hair cuticles open. Instead of using hot water, you must start using lukewarm water. The best treatment you can give your hair is washing with lukewarm water which gives closes the hair cuticles and locks the moisture. You can also reduce the frizz using lukewarm water. You have another benefit of using lukewarm-it makes your hair shine and becomes smooth as the moisture is present. Do you need any more reasons to get convinced to switch from hot water to lukewarm water for your hair?

2. Choose paraben and Sulfate free shampoo

Paraben and sulfate are the most harmful chemicals that are included in most of the shampoo. Parabens just play the role of preservatives in shampoo and sulfate is for lather forming. Parabens can clog the pores as well. These chemicals can also give you results like allergy and irritations. So, you must not pick a shampoo until you know that is paraben and sulfate free.

3. Give a gentle massage to your hair

You need to give a gentle massage to your scalp and clean gently as well. Never be in a hurry to handle your hair rashly. The rash way can damage your hair deeply. Strong hair also starts weakening and later falls off. Your harsh treatment can be a cause for your hair fall.

4. Do not apply conditioner on your scalp

This is the common mistake many women do. Sorry- Not the just common but blunder mistake. Conditioner is only to set your smooth, soft and shinier. Conditioner is not for hair cleansing or for growth. The application of conditioner on your scalp can clog the pores.

Hence, you must stop applying conditioner for your hair.

5. Do not extend shampooing time

You know that shampoo is an unnatural product. It is better to reduce the shampooing time. Once you are done with massaging your hair with shampoo, wait for 2-3 minutes and then rinse it off.

6. Distill Shampoo With Water

Do not apply shampoo directly to your scalp. It is better always to use water distilled shampoo. You can clean off the shampoo easily when applying water mixed and also can save the shampoo. This trick is all the ways beneficial to follow.

7. Use enough water to clean your hair

You need to use enough water to clean the applied shampoo or conditioner. Otherwise, your hair will be dandruff prone. There are many problems when you don’t clean off the shampoo well. It also clogs the pores and catches the dust easily.

Post Showering Tips for Healthy Hair:


1. Dry hair naturally most of the times

You must not use blow dry method often to dry your hair. It is better not toapply too much heat. You can let your hair dry naturally. When you apply too much heat to your hair, there are chances of losing natural oils on your scalp.

2. Remove excess water with a towel

Remove the excess water with the help of a towel. Wrap the towel at ends and the loose hair, that too in a light way. Press your hair to remove the excess water. Also, remember that not to wrap your head in a towel. The tight wrap will loosen your hair and makes it weak. When you remove the towel off, you will find hair fall which is due to tight wrap.

3. Do not brush your wet hair

You must not brush your wet hair. Your soaked and wet hair is more fragile to fall off. The weaker the hair, the more hair fall. So, always dry your hair and then to go for hair brushing. It is a bad habit as you are hurting your hair with rash treatment.

4. Do not tie your wet hair

The wet hair is fragile which will lead to breakage easily. If you want to keep your hair in place even when wet, then tie it in a loose way with an elastic band. But do not go for tight hairstyle and do not tie it.

5. Do not brush your hair with uncleaned hair

You must use the unclean brush for your hair which adds the dirt back. Post your hair wash, use a cleaned and neat brush.

6. Detangle your hair before brushing

First gently detangle your hair after drying. Do not let comb your wet or completely dry hair. Let the hair be misty and damp in nature to remove the tangles. When you are not detangling your hair, it makes weak, if you do the directly brush your hair. It is always suggested for you to detangle your hair first with a wide comb.

7. Apply a leave-in conditioner or serum

Leave in conditioner will let keep your hair moisturized and make it smoother without drying your hair. You can also detangle easily when your hair easily. It helps in reducing frizz as well. Leave in conditioner is the best way to condition your hair to maintain healthy hair.

Follow these simple and easy showering tips for healthy hair. If you are skipping any of these tips, that you means you are giving your hair a chance to fall off, breakage. Your hair needs your pampering and gentle treatment. Enough your hair took the pain of your harsh handling. Now, love your hair by investing a few more minutes and care which is worthy and basic.

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