Things that prove that Carrie Bradshaw was a badly written character


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Carrie Bradshaw

While there are still rumors about making the third version of SEX and the CITY, it excites us! Doesn’t it? It feels like you know the characters and who they are and what they do if you are a follower of the series, SEX and the CITY! ‘Sex and the city’ has been one of the most sought after series that has proved to be very popular about girls. This is a cover to cover chick flick concentrating more on fashion, relationship, men, sex issues and what not! It is exciting to see something on screen that we experience every day. It is not only the experience they give, but it is about how original the script goes! But after all this, taking a perfect shape, was it worth seeing the leading lady of the show deteriorating slowly? Yes! Carrie Bradshaw! Everything else proves to be growing up in the series, except for our lady, Ms.Bradshaw. Here are few things according to us proves that Carrie Bradshaw could have been a badly written character.

Carrie Bradshaw Character Description – Sex and the City

1Back up your work, Carrie!

Back up your work

It is almost unprofessionally incorrect to show her character being unaware of the process of backing up her entire work! The episode when Carrie’s laptop shuts down immediately and when she runs to the computer place?! That particular episode shows her inconsistency in her career, which she proclaims to have been doing for the past 10 years. Suddenly she doesn’t know how to back it up! Wrong, Totally a wrong move!

2Saving money, never on her cards

Saving money

In the show’s fourth season, when she almost loses her apartment, it’s exposed that Carrie has almost no investments and is terrible with money. She is shown as the person who cannot manage finances, which is fine because most of us tend to make that mistake. She declines to take the subway almost every time. She never imagines that she needs money for real which is the most strangest part of her life.

Our nerves boil when she gets a pair of amazing looking melange shoes with the last money left. Her characterization goes terribly wrong when she demands Charlotte to lend her money so that she could get herself out of the house issue. Well, needless to say, this is something we all hate about Carrie. Isn’t it?

3Think long term

Think long term

Yeah! It is good to live in the moment, but when a person doesn’t think or ponder on the concept of future, then hell ya! They have a problem!How is it that she made it to her mid-30s without even thinking about what could happen if she had no money or maybe if she needed for some emergency? How is it that she never has professional goals until opportunities are dropped in her lap? The writer should have hated the character so much to just bring out something so random.

4Not everything is about Newyork!

Not everything is about Newyork

Yes! This is one of the most hideous kinds to start her statement. “There is nothing about Newyork that you wouldn’t love”, “Newyork is a wonderful place to live in” etc are such statements that make us think if we really are missing out on something. She jumps an edge further to refer the place to be one of the most charming miracles of her life and every twist and turn happens because ‘Newyork’ is a supernatural world!. You can just about guarantee that every time Carrie begins a sentence with “that’s the thing about New York…” and you sure know that the statement is either going to turn the anger button in you or she’s going to make a sweeping declaration about contemporary living. Urgh!

5Take some cue from your friends

Take some cue from your friends

Our life is always compared to our friends, no matter how good or bad our life is! This is the myth of every girl. It can vary from being a pair of shoes to break ups! It is all about how we see it happening in our friend’s life. When the characters in the series start to evolve and go further, we see that problems faced by Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha go forward facing their own difficulties and hitches. But yeah! Then again, we have Carrie, who only deteriorates through the entire series. If nothing else, she becomes more petty and non- sublime. She has just as many life-changing experiences as her friends, but learns absolutely nothing from them.

6Get some hobbies

Get some hobbies

You cannot just accept a person talking about guys, sex, relationship, flings, one night stands, etc and not have a break for herself. Carries job preference, clothing, hobbies, all revolve around just one topic, MEN! Maybe that would stop her from spending every moment she has alone over analyzing past interactions she’s had with Mr. Big. As long as Carrie is putting all of her stock into defining herself by her boyfriend, she has absolutely nothing to bring to a relationship.

7Speak proper sense to Mr. BIG!

Speak proper sense

As far as Carrie’s relationship with Big, it has always been so pun intended. This is not something normal relationships consist of! No one talks so many puns intended lines, however cute, naughty or insensible the other person is. The relationship per se is confused, baffled and both of them never know if they love each other until the end of the series. It is the unsure portions that irritate the most after knowing a person for almost 8 years! 8 long years and she is still confused! No one would wait for a person like this. Would they ever talk sensible stuff or are they going to make coy faces at each other well into their eighties and never actually discuss who will pay this week’s grocery bill?

Well, all said and done, the series as a whole makes you oversee some hideous moments and scenes because thankfully, other characters are given maximum importance too! Sex and the city on the whole would make an amazing story if Carrie Bradshaw could have been less confused, baffled or maybe the directors wanted us to dislike the character! Maybe!

-Pavithra Ravi