Types Of Yoga For Beginners


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Beginners Yoga

Yoga is a form of exercise, that can create a balance in the mind as well as the soul of the persons body. It can make the mind calm and energetic, and gives the ability to perform any task with ease. If you are still yet to decide on whether to begin yoga or not, then here are some different types of yoga for beginners that you can try upon in the start, and live a healthy life.

Types Of Yoga For Beginners

1Padmasan Yogamudra I or lotus position I

Padmasan Yogamudra I
  • First, sit on the floor or on the mat with the legs stretched out, keeping the spine erect.
  • Then try to bend the right knee gently, placing it on the left thigh. Be sure that the sole is pointing up and the heel is also close to the abdomen.
  • Try to, repeat the same step with the other leg as well.
  • When both legs are crossed and the feet are placed on the opposite thighs, place the hands on knees being in the mudra position.
  • Remember to keep the head straight as well as the spine erect.
  • Hold and then continue with pretty long breaths in and out.


  • It can help to improve digestion
  • Can reduce the muscular tension, bringing the blood pressure under control
  • It can relax the mind
  • It can help pregnant ladies during the childbirth
  • It can reduce any menstrual discomfort


  • If you have ankle or even knee injury; remember to perform this pose with supervised instruction.

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2Januhastasana or knee-to-hand pose

  • First sit on the floor with the legs bent and the knees folded backwards, soles are upturned and the toes touching the ground.
  • Just like Vajrasana, the palms must be placed on the ground, in front of the knees.
  • Push the neck back, chest out and the waist down.
  • Try to relax the entire body.
  • Remember to breathe normally.


  • Januhastasana is one of the very useful asana that can help to treat joint pains.
  • Hypertension as well as gout can be cured by practicing this asana.
  • It can improve the blood circulation to the waist as well as the lower portion of the body.
  • It is also useful for meditation and also for improving the concentration.


  • People who have stiff joints, must avoid this pose.
  • Try to practice this asana only when the joints are having free movement.

3Ardhachakrasana or half wheel pose

  • Position of the body must be maintained very steadily as well as comfortably as there is a very small base for the person to balance in this pose. However, if you are unable to balance properly in this pose, you can place the soles of the right foot on the ground for much better support to the whole body.
  • A straight line is to be maintained, from the leg to the shoulder. The toe must be lifted off one of the leg, pointing to the front that can help to maintain a straight line.
  • By raising on of the hand and then holding the opposite elbows is called swastika bandha.
  • Remember that the hips must not be lifted too high, as this can cause a deep arch on your spine and it is also not recommended for preparatory pose.
  • Try to breathe normally while doing the pose, so that the muscles are relaxed. In this is one pose, most people would tense up immediately after or while doing it and this can place a strain on the body. Facial muscles must be relaxed in this posture.


  • The muscles in the pelvic as well as the hip region gets toned and strengthens because of the pressure that mostly come from tucking the tailbone. By massaging as well as stretching, the colon and the abdominal organs can help to improve the digestion.
  • It can also strengthen the buttock, thigh, calf and lower back muscles.
  • It can help to reduce the back pain and is also useful for lumbar spondylitis.
  • It can also strengthen the muscles in and around the spinal region.
  • It can help to tone the female reproductive organs and can be useful for the menstrual disorders after childbirth.
  • It can increase the awareness of the spinal movement, especially in the lower back.


  • The people who have serious hip or spinal problems, must avoid this asana including with people who have high blood pressure or any type of brain ailments.
  • If you have peptic or duodenal ulcers and hernia, then it is best to avoid this pose.
  • People who are in the later stages of pregnancy or menstruation should avoid doing this pose.

4Dattamudra or movement of the neck

  • Sit in Vajrasana position, while turning the neck to your left side as much as possible, now relax all the muscles, continue with normal breathing. Repeat this pose on the right side as well.


  • This Datta Mudra is a very useful asana in reducing the stress and the anxiety. It helps in relaxing the body muscles, giving it a proper stretch to the neck and the back.

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