10 Ways To Use Glycerin On Face


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Women are always asked to use various DIY face masks and packs. You must have heard about glycerin as a key ingredient in one or more facial packs. And the beauty experts also advice you to use glycerin based moisturizers. It is because glycerin does good to your skin gently.

If you are wondering how glycerin can be part of your skin care regime then get an idea from this article. You will find the ways to use glycerin for skin. You will need the natural ingredients which are mostly available at home.

This can be a beauty guide for you to use glycerin on face. You can find the simple methods to use glycerin on face along with the benefits of using it.

What is Glycerin & How Glycerin Works on Face?

Glycerin is liquid like substance which acts like humectant on skin. It means, glycerin is an component that can retain or preserve the moisture of your skin. It is used as a moisturizing agent for face which adds water to the top most layer of the skin from underneath layers of the skin. Generally, glycerin works effectively with other components and combinations.

Benefits of Glycerin on Face

Glycerin is became a main ingredient in beauty products and skin care remedies as it contributes multiple benefits. Before using glycerin on face, you can know the benefits.

Natural skin moisturizer

If you want to improve your skin texture then you can start using glycerin. It hydrates your skin and makes your skin feel soft. Well moisturized skin is a result of glowing, healthy looking skin.

Protects skin

Facial skin is exposed to various irritants which can be an affect of skin infections and allergies. By using glycerin you can shield your skin from the irritants and pollutants. You can make glycerin a part of your skin care in the form of any beauty product and protect your skin from the risk factors.

Anti aging

Using glycerin can help you with the reducing the appearance of wrinkles and lines. It is noticed that skin cells mature properly with glycerin application. You can use glycerin as a gentle cleanser or a regular moisturizer which helps you gain a youthful skin.

Controls acne

If you are using the heavy moisturizers for your skin care then it causes acne. Oily skin is more prone to acne risk with heavy moisturizers as it clogs the skin pores. It doesn’t mean you have to skip moisturizing oily skin. Moisturizing oily skin is an integral part of skin care. It is only that you need to be mindful while choosing the moisturizers for oily skin. Glycerin is a lighter and subtle substance that you can apply instead of heavy creams and lotions. If you know the right way to use then it is good to pick glycerin to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized.

Repairs and heals skin

You can use glycerin to heal your skin when its excessively dry. Glycerin may reduce the skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis. it can soothes your skin and reduce the itchiness, flaking like conditions.

Acts as a preservative

If you are someone who prefer using homemade skin care products then you will need glycerin as part of it. Glycerin can act as a preservative for other ingredients. You can combine glycerin to make the skin care products as it consists the antibacterial and anti fungal ingredients.

How to Use Glycerin on Face?

If you are known about the goodness about glycerin then you also must know the ways to use it on face. We have picked a few combinations that works great with glycerin. You can use these ways to apply glycerin on face. Here are the ways that you can use glycerin on face.

1. Glycerin and water on Face


Here is an easy way to use glycerin on face along with water. This glycerin home remedy can be a help to save your skin from over dryness. It soothes your dry, flaking and itchy skin. Also improves the skin texture to become smooth and soft.

1/4 Cup vegetable glycerin
1 Cup distilled water

How to use?
1. Dilute glycerin with distilled water.
2. Cleanse your face and apply the glycerin water over face.
3. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it off.
4. Pat dry your skin.

How often?
3 times a week

2. Glycerin and Rosewater on Face


Rose water is an astringent and it also contain the antioxidants. You can add glycerin and rose water for healthy skin. This is a good remedy for oily skin as it contain rose water along with glycerin. Both the ingredients work on maintaining the skin’s pH balance. Salt is an additional ingredient that removes the dead skin cells. This method is more like a gentle cleanser as it also eliminates the impurities from skin.

2 Tablespoons glycerin
2 Teaspoons rose water
1 Tablespoon salt
Warm water

How to use?
1. Combine glycerin and rose water.
2. Then add salt and let it dissolve.
3. At last add warm water and stir altogether.
4. Transfer it to an empty spray bottle.
5. Cleanse your face and spray it over your face.
6. Leave it remain for few minutes and rinse it off.
7. Pat dry your face.

How often?
2-3 times a week

3. Glycerin and milk on Face


Glycerin and milk is a combination for skin care. The skin that is affected with excessive dryness need a deep moisture. Milk is gentle on skin but moisturizes well. And glycerin is another moisturizing agent. It makes your skin soft and supple. It is good remedy to try in winter when your skin is flaking and itchy.

3 Teaspoons milk
2 Teaspoons glycerin

How to use?
1. Mix milk and glycerin together in small bowl.
2. Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser.
3. Apply the glycerin mixed milk to your face with a cotton pad.
4. Massage it into your skin for 2 minutes.
5. Leave it for 15 minutes and then rinse it off.

How often?
3 times a week

4. Glycerin and honey on Face


If you are looking for a home remedy for winter skin then this is the perfect one. During winters, we all need extra moisturized skin. It is better to choose natural moisturizers for your winter dry skin. Glycerin and honey are moisturize your skin gently. It calms the dryness and flaking of skin.

You can use it regularly so that your skin appears smooth and feels soft. If your is a oily skin then you can add a few drops of lemon. Lemon is to control excess oil and prevent greasy feeling on skin.

1 Tablespoon glycerin
1 Teaspoon honey

How to use?
1. Mix honey and glycerin in a small bowl.
2. Apply the mixture to your cleansed face.
3. Massage your skin for 2 minutes.
4. Leave it for 20 minutes and then wash it off.

How often?
3 Times a week

5. Glycerin and Lemon on Face


Oily skin beauties can make an easy moisturizer at home using glycerin. Lemon has the citrus which acts like antibacterial agent for skin. It prevents bacteria accumulation and acne. You can use this remedy having oily or acne prone skin. It control oils while keeping your skin moisturized.

1/2 Cup water
1 Teaspoon glycerin
1 Teaspoon almond oil
2-3 Drops essential oil

How to use?
1. Take a mixing bowl and mix water, glycerin.
2. Add the oils and stir it well.
3. Wash your face and apply the mixture on damp face.
4. Let it remain for 15 minutes and then rise it off.
5. Pat dry your face.

How often?
2 Times a week

6. Glycerin and red beet on Face


Glycerin is enriched with various anti inflammatory properties. You can add red beet to increase the good of glycerin. Beet consists of the antioxidants which are similar to collagen boosters. You can reverse the aging sign by blending both glycerin and beet for face.

Both these ingredients are moisturizing. When your skin is excessively dry, you can apply beet and glycerin together.

1-2 Tablespoons glycerin
1 Red beet

How to use?
1. Extract juice from beet and add glycerin to it.
2. Stir both the ingredients thoroughly.
3. Cleanse your face with a mild cleanser and apply the mixture.
4. Massage it into your face in circular motions.
5. Leave it for few minutes and then rinse it off.
6. Pat dry your face.

How often?

3 Times a week

7. Glycerin and egg


Try preparing an anti aging mask at home with a blend of glycerin and honey. Egg consists of amino acids that aids in regeneration of skin cells. Egg white also makes your skin firm. When your skin is firm it looks young and healthy. Firm skin is also free from wrinkles and lines.

As a secondary ingredient, you can add honey. Honey can protect your skin bacteria that cause skin infections. This is a simple and best way to use glycerin on skin.

1 Egg white
1 Tablespoon glycerin
1 Teaspoon honey

How to use?
1. Blend egg white thoroughly and then add glycerin.
2. Add honey and give it a fine stir.
3. Bring it to thick liquid like consistency.
4. Cleanse your face and spread the mixture over your face.
5. Also apply to your neck and leave it for 20 minutes.
6. Wash it off with warm water.
7. Pat dry your face.

How often?
1-2 times a week

8. Glycerin and witch hazel on Face


While your skin is retaining moisturize, it can be also be protected from inflammation. Adding witch hazel to glycerin can prevent your skin from infections as it contain anti inflammatory properties. Witch hazel also has the capability to heal skin under the conditions like sunburn, acne.

3-4 Tablespoons witch hazel
(Alcohol free)
1/4 Tablespoons glycerin

How to use?
1. Mix witch hazel with glycerin.
2. Cleanse your face and apply all over face.
3. Wait for 15 minutes and then wash it off.
4. Pat dry your face.

How often?
2 Times a week

9. Glycerin and oils on Face


If your skin is dry or pale then you need to rejuvenate it with glycerin. As you have vegetable oil and essential oil, your skin becomes softer. This method of using glycerin on face, soaks your skin in the oils. You can use it as a hydrating toner as well.

The essential oil like tea tree can prevent acne. You can use the oils like lavender or grapeseed for clearer skin. If you have oily skin then you can replace distilled water with rose water.

1/2 Cup distilled water/ Rose water
1 Tablespoon glycerin
1 Teaspoon vegetable oil
5 Drops essential oil

How to use?
1. Take a small mixing bowl and pour distilled water in it.
2. Add glycerin and oils into the bowl. Stir the mixture.
3. Transfer the solution into an empty spray bottle.
4. Spray it on your washed skin and leave it to dry.
5. Rinse it off after few minutes.

How often?
2-3 times a week

10. Glycerin and clay


Glycerin is addable to clay face masks. Women with oily skin would love to use clay face masks. Even dry skin people can use this glycerin added face mask. It traps and removes the impurities from skin. You can also get rid of dead skin with this mask.

You have two types of clay in this mask- bentonite clay and kaolin clay. Bentonite clay is to remove excess sebum on face. It reduces acne breakouts. White kaolin clay is mildest that suits sensitive and dry skin. It maintains the pH of skin. The essential oil and glycerin become a right blend for a face mask.

3 Teaspoons white kaolin clay
1/2 Teaspoon bentonite clay
1/2 teaspoon glycerin
5 Teaspoons water
2 Drops rose geranium essential oil

How to use?
1. Mix both kaolin and bentonite clay together.
2. Add glycerin and water.
3. Blend all the ingredients and make a fine paste.
4. Wash your face and apply the mask to your face.
5. Let it remain for 15 minutes.
6. Wash it off with warm water.

How often?
2 Times a week

When to Use Glycerin on Face?

There are no time restrictions to use glycerin on face. Glycerin is great to rejuvenate morning skin. You can even add glycerin to your night skin care regime. Make sure you can wash your face and then apply it on face.

A day when you wake up itchy or dry skin, you can use glycerin as a moisturizer. We have mentioned the ways to use glycerin as an ingredient in homemade moisturizers and face masks. You can use them accordingly as mentioned.

Possible Side Effects of Glycerin on Face

There are no serious side effects of glycerin on face. You must consider the skin condition and then use glycerin on your face. When your skin is delicate then it results in dryness. You may also experience skin itchiness and allergic reactions if you are sensitive to glycerin. We advice to do a 24 hours patch test before you using glycerin for your skin. If you are seeing any allergic reaction or abnormal skin condition post using glycerin on your face then immediately stop using it.


How Long Can You Keep Glycerin on Face?

After applying glycerin, you need to leave it for 15-20 minutes to absorb your skin and then rinse it off.

Is Glycerin Good for Dark Spots on Face?

Glycerin is more a moisturizer than a whitening agent. It may reduce the appearance of dark spots.

Glycerin is a moisturizing agent that suits all the skin types. The way you use it on face differs. For you to use rightly for your skin type we listed the ways to use glycerin on face. These are the safe and effective methods to apply glycerin on skin.

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