Ways you know that a festive season has kicked off


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Pre Diwali Celebrations

India is a highly traditional and multi cultured country where one festival is celebrated in more than 2 ways. When the festive season is approaching, there are a lot of changes that happen around you. Whether it is at home or outside, the changes are evident. Who doesn’t love festivals? The colorful lighting, the hurried preparations, the endless list of sweets, new clothes and whatnot! There are signs of excitement everywhere and fills the air with a festive mood. Here’s the signs of festive season that actually makes you see or feel festival environment around you. We are going to list down ways you know that a festive season has actually kicked off.

Top Ways You Know It’s A Festive Season

1Home turns into a celebration ground

celebration ground

In no time, your house is all decorated or everything is cleaned and kept clean. The mothers of the house are so obsessed that they make sure on even the smallest of the lamps to be washed and cleaned at least 2 times. You are asked to go to the shop almost every one hour to buy some decorative item or flowers. It all starts from home and you smell the festive season approaching soon. Your grandparents give all the instructions and you listen to them like a little puppy. It sure is fun to be a part of the festival preparation.

2Sale Sale Sale

Sale Sale Sale

What’s the best part of the festive season? Without a doubt, it’s the Sale that happens everywhere. From the big stores to the small ones, every shop has some kind of sale going on. Since in India, new clothes are a part of the celebration, you are definitely asked to tag along with your mother to the shop to buy new clothes for your family members and for you. The exciting part is when you see a lot of people in the store, who have queued up for the same purpose. The added advantage here is that, your mum never says no when it is the festive season and mainly when there is a sale going on. Shop all you want!

3Awesome deals everywhere

Awesome deals

With Diwali is approaching in a few days, there are these amazing deals both online and in the stores nearby. If you buy a Smartphone, you get a Bluetooth free or with a TV, you get a voucher worth 3000 absolutely free. All that you wanted to purchase comes with a great deal. The online shoppers are absolutely not disappointed with the online shopping services as well where the giant sites give the crazy number of deals to attract its customers. When the deals are announced, you definitely know that the festive season has kicked off.

[Also Read: Eco Friendly Diwali]

4Sweets now cost a bomb

Sweets now cost a bomb

With the festive season approaching, in no time, the price of the sweets shoot up astronomically. Of course, we can’t blame the shop keepers for this! This is the only season they get to increase their prices because there is huge demand for the same. Your relatives come home with a sweet packet, or you go to theirs with one. Of course, homemade sweets work best, but our mothers save it for the people at home and give away shop sweets to the relatives. There is a selfish approach in this because they want the ‘haath-ka-bana-sweets’ (homemade sweets) to be given to their children or families.

5Every corner has the festival related items

festival related items

With Diwali around the corner, there are cracker shops almost everywhere. You see related items like fake flowers, diyas, lighting set up and much more at the every street corner. When your street vendors start putting up their stalls, you definitely know that the festive season is nearing.

6The traffic increases

traffic increases

Suddenly and from nowhere, every car in India comes to the road and stops in one place. Result? Traffic jam of course! This could be easily one of the signs that the festive season is here because people don’t really bother about the traffic when it is their favorite festival approaching and they have a lot of shopping to do!

7Every house in India is lit up

Every house in India is lit up

Diyas, lights, bright and colorful lit up houses become the common scene in every street. Whether it is Dusshera, Diwali or even Vinayak Chaturti, every house in India is lit up bright and beautiful. Indians believe in keeping a bright atmosphere around them to keep the festive mood going. Blaring songs, people chattering and a lot of flower arrangements are the best scene of every household when the festive season draws near.

8Traffic jam prevails not only on the roads

Traffic jam

There are traffic jams and this is just not on roads, it is everywhere! Online transactions are super slow, it is next to impossible to find a ticket on IRCTC or book a flight with a good rate. There is online traffic where your system hangs itself and doesn’t respond at all to any of the bookings. Movie theatres are crowded because of the new releases, your payment may not be processed and your favorite item may be locked inside the cart for long hours and you may get annoyed with the internet speed also. All because of one thing – Festival!

9Finally, the long weekends

long weekends

This goes without saying, the long weekends are the best and you know that your college, school or even your office will set you free when important Indian festivals are approaching.

With the Diwali approaching, have a safe, fun and lovely celebration with your dear ones.

Happy pre Diwali celebrations!

-Pavithra Ravi