What To Do When Boyfriend Is Mad At You?


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Everything about is beautiful for your boyfriend. He smiles and cannot take eyes off you sometimes. All these romantic times are not for everyday and situation. He may also become mad at you, just like you become mad at him.

What do you do when your boyfriend is mad at you? Do you dare to pull his leg or make him smile? Fine! If you are still not finding what to do when your boyfriend is mad at you then, you can go through our article.

Agree that the love stays even when and after your boyfriend is mad at you. But you cannot face it that moment. So, we are here to tell you what is good to do when your boyfriend is mad at you?

How To Deal When boyfriend is mad at you?

You can do anything of your wish even when someone is firing on you. But your acts make an impression and also shows your intentions. Your actions are not just actions but your reactions. The way you deal and balance the emotions in relationship is important.

You also should keep the self respect when your boyfriend is mad at you. These ways of dealing your boyfriend’s temper work better.

If you want to keep your relationship clean and happy with your boyfriend, you must do these things when he is mad at you-

1. Give him space- Let the anger calm

Give-him-space-Let-the-anger-calmWe understand that you cannot take your boyfriend being mad at you. So, simply give him space. Let him move and think at the moment. Giving space to him is the best way to deal the anger.

You are giving him space to work on his temper and come back. Don’t even ask for the reason for being mad at you. Let the fire come down before shooting any question.

2. Don’t just quit- Need Your presence

Dont-just-quit-Need-Your-presenceWhen you see that your boyfriend is mad at you, you cannot wait anymore. You may tend to leave the spot. This is not the solution or not the way to sort out.

Your wait makes his melt and he will come back to show the love. The anger goes over the time. You may have to hardly wait and it is not a long wait anyways.

Am also not asking you to stay and tolerate. But you should pause and think.You know your boyfriend’s nature and mood. Something that made him go mad at you. So, first to try to understand where it went wrong and what to do next.

3. Ask him what’s wrong

Ask-him-whats-wrongIt is just like a process where you should go step by step. When you notice that your boyfriend is mad at you, give him space and then ask him whats wrong.

You have your own reasons for your actions. Then, he would also have the reasons for his reactions. Until you know the reasons, everything seems messy. So, sort it out by talking calmly. Your calmness and understanding nature must work here.

4. Don’t just argue or bug- Never Push

Dont-just-argue-or-bug-Never-PushI understand that, we women want the reasons and details. But that is not the right time to drag it. You can leave it for the moment. You must remember that- it is better to leave than dragging when it is going to hurt you both.

Just maintain silence like you are in library and control yourself from arguing or bugging. If you know that you were wrong, then just utter a sorry and mean it.

The routine but true example is – not to expand the band till hurts you. Too much of dragging and arguments may hurt you.

5. Change the spot- To feel better

Change-the-spot-To-feel-betterWhen your boyfriend is mad at you, this may also make it awkward for you. You may not face him for the moment and it would also be the same for him. If you both are feeling awkward or unpleasant at the spot, just shift from there.

We humans always remember the favourite and worst spots. The situations make the spot favourite or worst. So, the spot keeps you both in the anger if you continue to stay in the same spot. And it is better to change the spot.

6. Don’t go back to the past


Tackling conflicts in relationship and mingling back again is not that easy. When you are able to do it, then it is amazing. But don’t even dare to go back to past. Reminding him about what all happened is a bad idea.

7. Don’t poke on his mistakes


Everyone makes the mistakes and utter few things losing the control. If you keep reminding him his mistakes this makes him lose interest. This may also create another big issues.

Instead work on your misunderstandings. It is never that you can only sort out things by pointing out the mistakes. In fact, poking on the mistakes add fire to fire. So, be a wise girlfriend when your boyfriend is made at you.

8. Accept your mistake if any


You must accept your mistake if you realize. Sometimes, we realize our mistakes but don’t accept it. Acknowledging our own mistakes is better than showing up the attitude.

Just politely accept your mistake and you can explain your reasons of being so. This will make your boyfriend calm down.

9. Do not repeat your mistakes


Everyone is sensitive towards something. Even after knowing the sensitivity, you must not try doing testing the patience doing things wrongly.

Make a note of not repeating your mistakes. For example, if your boyfriend is mad at you for being late, then don’t repeat it. Here, sorry and promises doesn’t work. The thing that works is your actions.

10. Don’t stop caring- Still show your care

We may shout and yell at our loved ones but inside the fear of losing and hurting keeps running. Though your boyfriend is mad at you, he would have the pain of hurting you. He would also have the fear of losing you. So, let him know that you still care no matter what.

The care you show even after him being mad makes you a sweet girlfriend. Not just independent and clever, you can also be sweet soul for your beloved. So, care for him even if he is mad at you.

11. Respect his feelings- Always a need

When he says and explains why he is mad at you, you must respects his feelings. To respect his feelings, first you need listen. Listen to him and understand his words. When your boyfriend knows you respects and value his feelings, this will make him calm down.

As respect is something basic, the basic cannot be washed away for being mad fat you temporarily. This also triggers an understanding thought in his mind.

12. Start talking- An interactive conversation


We before advised not to talk when your boyfriend is mad at you. Once you are sure that you gave and took enough time to settle, you can start talking. Talk like you want to understand and fix it.

The way you start the conversation will give you freedom to talk. As his anger is calmed, he would also make it an interactive conversation. Also be polite and nice when you are talking.

13. Make him smile- Wait for the charm


This is not to try at first. So, once you both start talking, you shouldn’t leave a chance of making your boyfriend smile. This is to make sure that he is happy to have you around after being mad at you.

Don’t your boyfriend make you smile when you are mad at him? He does right. Now, its your turn to flirt, impress and make him smile.

14. Make love again- Don’t let the spark go


Making love is the way you keep the spark in relationship. Let your day end with some romance. It is something special to make love after being after a clash.

Though your boyfriend was mad at you, don’t let it impact. When you are making love, indulge yourselves and forget it all. This is how you keep going in relationships. This proves over takes the flaws in relationship. So, wind it making love!

15. Let him love you and love him more


I know that at times it is tough to forget the bitterness that you take in relationships. Remembering the bitter incidents, you don’t let him love you. But this is not fair to do.

When you still have your concerns and needs answers, you must sort it out. Once you tackle and deal the clash, all you have to do is let him love and love him more.

These things to do when your boyfriend is mad at you, goes like a beautiful episode of love. The fire calms down and ends with love. Making your boyfriend go mad at you and making him mad for you is all within you.

Be a clever and sweet girlfriend!

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