Why books are always better than movies


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Why are books better than movies? If you are a reader and enjoy reading books endlessly, you already should be knowing the answer to this! When books are turned into a movie, most times or actually always, they come out to be more on the lines of ‘Oh no, that’s not going to be a great hit’ category! Well, this is because of so many hidden reasons that the movie makers aren’t able to find out. Books are obviously always better and not many know what the reason behind that is, except for the author and people who love books. Here are a few reasons why we think books are better than movies, a book stays as a treasure and re-making it into a movie always fails!

Reasons Why Books Are Always Better

1Characters are intact in a book

Characters are intact in a book

You can always sense what the character in your book thinks. But due to drama and curiosity sake, movies don’t reveal everything necessary. But in books, you are easily connected to the character and travel through their lives differently and with each of them, unlike in the movies. In movies, you just know them as characters and you are a visitor who can view their lives. But how much can you involve into their thoughts and be a part of them? That is sure a doubt!

2You know it’s not true

You know it’s not true

When the crippled old lady looks like a makeover and you know she is not how she is supposed to look, a reader can get irritated. You are dead sure your characters are not real. As a reader, when you read a book, you actually imagine in such a way that it is written. But in movies, you know it’s all makeup and it always lacks transferring the essence of their physical appearance into emotional connection. It just takes away the character from you. You will never be able to accept them like that.

3Misplacement of plot is easily possible

Misplacement of plot is easily possible

When you read a book, the intent is to narrate the plot of it than seeing it visually. In the process of making it visually spectacular and for commercial reasons, movies change the book’s plot with more and more drama, may it be action or romance. Sometimes movies drag their scenes for unwanted reason. When it’s a book, it narrates the exact incident and does not beat around the bush. You are left to imagine the rest.

4Books are portable

Books are portable

Let’s face it! Books are super portable. We know that people who love movies will still complain about eye problems and neck pains while reading, but it’s way better than carting a television around. Of course books are handy, more comfortable and you can make a day out of a book, even if you are bored and stranded in a place far off. There are no battery issues and no chargers are needed like if you decide to watch a movie on a device. Yes, movies are also portable but don’t you think the credibility of the movie is lost when you view it on the smaller screen or on your phones or laptops? What’s the point?

5Connecting with books never fades

Connect with book never fades

Movies are watched for 2 and half hours maximum, talked and forgotten. There would not be much of a connect when it comes to movies unless you are there watching it in the theatre. You know that the connection is limited, and it will vanish when you come out. That’s not how it works for a book. You travel with the book for so long that you feel the pain, happiness, sorrow, fun moments and everything the characters are feeling. You won’t feel drifted away in a short period. Since it takes a long time to read a book, the connection is amazing.

Also know – The benefits of reading books everyday

6You are left to imagine

You are left to imagine

There are no bad special effects, no one jumping from the 100th floor and still not getting hurt or silly scenes that are incorporated to convince the viewers or the audience. Books are purely left to the imagination of the reader and it does make sense that way. You need to open up the creative thinking in you while reading a book. There are never bad scenes in books because you create the visuals in your own head and they come out flawlessly.

7Curling up and feeling the pain

Curling up and feeling the pain

Try this, curl up on your couch and hug your DVD and sleep. Does that send you any emotional signals? No right! Well, you do the same with the book. You are sure to feel a gush of emotions flowing in your heart. That’s the magic a book gives you.

These reasons actually shout aloud that books are always better than movies. But like we always say, everything looks greener from the other side. Both books and movies constitute the majority of our lives. So, it is totally subjective and we are not offending any movie lover here. Books rule for the readers and join them if you want to know how it feels!

Happy reading guys!

-Pavithra Ravi

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