Ways to stay motivated while working from home


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Work from home

Who is not guilty about working long hours, wearing a pajama and working from home? It is not only about the guilt that is killing you, but also that huge professional responsibility that looks so big and small all at once. With limited separation between the personal and professional space, it is very easy to feel depressing and discouraging. Work from home can have minimum contact with co-workers, lazy mornings and unprofessional clothing can be your daunting factors that make you guilty and disheartened most of the times. Glance over various significant working from home motivation tips underneath.

Thankfully, you are at least given the technology privileges to keep in contact with your workers through online mediums and forums. After all, not only do you depend on people, but your careers too, depend on them. You require interaction to be successful. The opportunity to talk things out in order to come to a conclusion and create innovative ideas, can be tough without the lunchroom, meetings or conference sessions. But hey, wait! There are things that can keep you motivated and encourage you from not feeling low or unhappy.

Over the years or months, it takes you just one or two pushes to do what you would be doing most of the time. It can be really challenging to work from home during weekends or off days or continuously for people who have been given the option to do so. Partaking your ideas and suggestions can be a major hit if you can follow these things with ease! Here you go, read out these suggestions that help you get up, move it and work like a solo king!

How To Stay Motivated When Working From Home

1Wake up early-

Wake up early

This can be a major turn-off for people because you may not want to get out of your bed when you know there is no office to go to, no meetings to attend or no boss to overlook your work. There might not be enough motivation to get up at a reasonable hour. It isn’t worth it if you wake up at hours of 10 a.m. or 11 a.m. Studieshave shown that waking up at a considerable early ours makes the person proactive, healthy and much more energetic. Waking up like you are going to work is a motivation factor. 7:30 a.m. is an ideal time to wake up and that is when you will know that 7:45 or by late 8, you will start your work.

You need a buffer time of half an hour or more to get your brain working. It can be noticed that working during the hours of 8 am to 11 am is the most productive time, which will give you energy and quick thinking. When you wake up early and start work early, you will realize that you will get to finish work early, take your pee time and then obviously do your morning chores. So it benefits you!

2Put on professional clothes-

professional clothes

It is incredibly tempting to wear nothing but a pair of sweat pants, t shirt or probably just a Snuggie and roll over your bed and start the day. One may think that there is no point to dress up when there are no coworkers to gauge at or one to compete with for looking good. You are forced to sit with your pajamas and not come out of your cocoon until you need some human contact! Psychologistshave a say on this particular point. They say that wearing a particular item of clothing makes the person attribute to that kind and work, whether it is professional attire or a lazy summer shorts. So if you are going to wear lazy clothes, so will be your work. But yes, you can stop at one level here. You need not put on a suit, tie, pointed shoes, lipstick and tress your hair! No, that is not what is being said. You can put on actual pants or a t shirt to make yourself feel like you are at the office, rather not in bed!

3Never work on your bed-

Never work on your bed

This is worse than working with your sweatpants on! Starting your day off work on the bed is a very diseased habit that will make you fall back either into sleeping or lets you get cozy and comfortable under your sheets. It is advised to start your work elsewhere in the house. If you have a small house or even a room, try to go as far as possible and make a small table and a lamp concept. Though it is very typical, it helps.

It is even worse if you sit or lay next to your bed or your mattress which will only bring in more lethargy. If you live in a bigger place, then have a separate area for work. Workplace can have your laptop, sticky notes and some papers to literally make it like an office. That will help you solve the process of a sleepy work from home day!

4Have a schedule-

Have a schedule

Scheduling makes things easier for you. If you are in the office, you have a specific schedule stuck to your space, you have people to remind you about the schedule and you have some on your laptop. That is exactly how it should be from WFH (Work from home) also. Just that, you would not have people to tell you what to do and what not to. Prepare a set of goals for yourself. Read them out and tick each one after you are done with them. It is in fact easier to know what things you have finished for the day and what are the things that are left out for the next day. A systematic type of behavior is helpful.

5Take workout breaks-

Take workout

You are sitting idle at home, not moving a bit and making your work table look like a mini eatery place. Researchershave found out that a person has to take at least 10,000 steps in the workplace. When you are at the office, there are chances of walking here and there to meet your colleagues or to meet all your friends. You even have the chance to move to the cafeteria. But at home, the chances are way too less. So to balance that – Workout! Take workout breaks and spend time for stretching and running. Being sedentary isn’t just harmful for yourself, but also for all your motivation and disciple. Working out gives you a boost of energy that’s incredibly helpful for productivity. It will get you thinking more clearly, and simply make you feel like you did right by yourself for the entire day.

6Earning rewards-


One of the perks of working from home is that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want, but the whole point of this article is to show how you have to balance it with actual productivity and discipline. Rather than simply sitting down and binge watching a series of your favorite show, putting your actual work until 7 PM and not touching your laptop till that can be one of your favorite rewards. If you are still not satisfied with that, then try working for 2 hours straight and then watch one or two episodes of your show. This can become a habit, but never make watching TV longer than 30 minutes. If you do that, you will never get up.

There are many more ways to stay motivated. Here are a few listed below-

#Get off Gtalk – Never be visible. Someone, somewhere has so many stories to suddenly tell you!

#Walk outside – Go for short walks or if your work is limited to laptop, take your laptop, go outside and work

#Talk to other humans – Since you are engrossed in the art of making love to your laptop, you may forget that there does a world exist outside of just this. Walk out, talk to people, relatives, and call up

#Block unnecessary pages – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or porn can be a huge distraction. Block them during working hours.

These top reasons will definitely make you stay motivated, encourage your skills and make you a better professional that most of them who slog from their offices!

-Pavithra Ravi